Narrative Work

Narrative Showreel | Cinematography by Will Fielding


Various Instances

An instagram series of 1-6 minute short films 
Director of Photography: Will Fielding   |   Director: James McLoughlin   |   Writers: Various



How Night Came From the Sea   |   A film by William Fielding & Nataša Cordeaux  |   Director of Photography: Will Fielding   |    Performed by Hilary Greatorex   |   Music by Sylvia Harlett   |   Performance Directed by Alys Kihl   |   Set Design by Amanda Edgcombe   |   In partnership with Wonderful Beast & First Light Festival.

Faulty    A film by William Fielding & Jordan Rawi   |   Director of Photography: Will Fielding   |   For Depict Festival 2018

Out of It - Episode 6 - Sick of It  |   A comedy webseries by Stella Delicado & Tim McNiven   |   Director of Photography: Will Fielding   |   Directed by Sam White
1st AD: Jordan Rawi   |   Sound by Freddie Nevison & Duncan Ettie   |   Edited by Josh Brown   |   Composed by Adrian McCusker
Nominated by UK Offline Web Fest for Best Web Series 2017   |   Best Web Series Finalist for 'Out of The Can Film Festival' 2017 
Watch all six episodes here

ALICE   |  BTS Still   |   Director of Photography: Will Fielding   |   Written & Directed by Liam Borrett   |   Produced by Nataša Cordeaux
Starring Fanta Barrie & Ken Nwosu   |   Assistant Director: Nataša Cordeaux  |   Assistant Camera: Jordan Rawi

On the Nose   |   A film by William Fielding & Jordan Rawi   |   Director of Photography: Will Fielding

Ockham's Razor   |   Director of Photography: Will Fielding   |   Directed & Written by Max Jedwab   |   Produced by Georgia MacLeod
Starring John Macneill, Colin Holt, Tanya Violet, Oscar Lane & Conan Coatsworth
Won Best Camera and Best Drama at the Royal Television Society Devon & Cornwall Student Awards

A.M.Y   |   Director of Photography: Will Fielding   |   Directed by Sam White   |   Produced by Naomi Lawson
Starring Tom Kilroy   |   Sound Recorded by George Donovan   |   Music by Oak Mattias   |   Colour Grade by Tom Weller

Dinner Date   |   Director of Photography: Will Fielding   |   Directed & Edited by Will Fielding & Max Jedwab   |   Starring Tanya Violet & Oscar Lane

It's Hypothetical   |   A short film by Will Fielding   |   Actor: Sam White

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